Exploring Green Flags, Green Forests, and the Complex Nature of Consent: Unknown 關於未知的我們: A Taiwanese Series

Kismet Adventures with Onna Carr
5 min readJun 22, 2024


The Taiwanese drama Unknown 關於未知的我們 has sparked discussions among viewers regarding the relationship between its main characters, Zhiyuan and Qian. This post will analyze the beginning of episode 11 and delve into the complexities of consent, the characters development, and their personal growth.

It’s important to understand the background of Zhiyuan and Qian’s relationship, as in the series they have known each other for many years. Qian has always been a caring and protective individual towards both Zhiyuan and Lily. His cautious nature might explain his concern about “moving too fast,” even if he and Zhiyuan had been dating for a while. Additionally, the series hints at the possibility of Qian having experienced sexual abuse as a child, which could contribute to his hesitation and concern for both Zhiyuan and himself.

While some viewers may have interpreted the initial scenes as Zhiyuan ignoring Qian’s consent, there are several cues suggesting that Yuan was in fact attentive to Qian’s subtle signals. These include Qian grabbing Zhiyuan’s hand, initiating repeated kisses, and taking off Zhiyuan’s overshirt first, all of which could indicate consent from someone typically emotionally reserved, like Qian.

While the book portrays these characters in a less favorable light, judging from the series alone, the only instance of selfish behavior on Zhiyuan’s part is when a teenage Zhiyuan kisses Qian while drunk. I believe both characters learned from this mistake in the story and would not make it again.

Moreover, the fact that both characters are still comfortable with each other the next morning suggests that, despite appearing rushed to viewers, this moment may have been the right timing for both of them. It’s possible that this experience helped heal old wounds for Qian, allowing him to become more calm and at peace in his life, as seen in his subsequent actions as he books the entire noodle shop for a date with Zhiyuan (talk about a ‘grand gesture’), making coffee at the office while accepting the well wishes of co-workers (however poorly those may be expressed), and telling Zhiyuan “Thank you for not giving up on me”— significant changes in his demeanor, and arguably for the better. Similarly, Zhiyuan becomes more comfortable expressing his care for Qian, contributing to their overall growth and well-being.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

It is worth noting that there are multiple versions of episode 11 available on the Youku APP/website, each providing different insights into the relationship between Zhiyuan and Qian:

Most Widely Available Version: This version features a more ambiguous and choppy scenes at the beginning, leading to potential confusion and misunderstandings about the nature of Qian and Zhiyuan’s relationship and consent:

SP11 Version: This version provides a clearer backstory and context for the intimate scene, offering a more linear and understandable progression of their relationship at that point.

Pure Love Version: As an abridged version of the episode, this version, similar to SP11 Version also provides a more coherent representation of the first scenes and is a more enjoyable watch overall.

A comment by YouTube user “IWriteWholeAssParagraphs,” can be found in the comments section of a fan-made MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-DMbfp8bpc offers interesting insights into Qian and Yuan’s relationship. Though not G-rated, this YouTube user’s perspective sheds light on why the characters acted the way they did in episode 11 and is worth considering when examining Qian and Zhiyuan’s relationship progression and its dynamics.

To clarify, I typically don’t enjoy media that promotes speedy relationships, flings, or one-night stands. As someone who identifies as demisexual, these situations often seem foreign to me and difficult to understand.

In fact, after watching the last two episodes of Unknown 關於未知的我們, I spent a couple of weeks reflecting on the series because I was surprised that I wasn’t troubled by Qian and Zhiyuan’s seemingly “rushed” moment. In any other show, I would likely have been aggravated by it due to my temperament.

Photo by Liam Simpson on Unsplash

However, upon further consideration of their backstory, personalities, and the context of their relationship, I came to understand why it didn’t bother me. This realization was a transformative moment for me, prompting me to rethink my beliefs and opinions, which is a rare experience.

Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash

What really struck me about their relationship was that both Qian and Zhiyuan seemed to have this unwavering certainty that their commitment to each other mutually is for forever. For Zhiyuan, this realization came when Qian grabbed his arm (he knew that it was forever for him with regards to Qian before that, but at this point realized that it was also forever for Qian with regards to him) to stop him from leaving in anger and confusion. For Qian, it was solidified when he decided to kiss Zhiyuan and acted on that decision.

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

I believe that once Qian made the initial decision to be with Zhiyuan, he knew it was for a lifetime. Qian couldn’t imagine causing such pain to someone he had spent so much time caring for, first as a stand-in brother and then as a partner as to ever fathom leaving him in a relationship situation — ever. His beliefs about commitment are further illustrated when he advises Sang Pang about caring for Lily. This same sense of devotion is likely even stronger for Zhiyuan, as their relationship is built on a deep understanding and respect for one another.

Photo by Jonathan Cooper on Unsplash

Ultimately, when we consider the belief that Qian and Zhiyuan’s relationship is truly forever material, the events that unfold in episode 11 between them begin to make more sense. Their commitment to each other, founded on a deep understanding and respect, allows them to navigate even the most challenging moments in their relationship. In the end, their unwavering love and devotion for one another prove that they are, indeed, forever material and in so being, are both green flags that make up a pretty big green forrest.

Addendum — To clarify, this analysis focuses solely on the characters and storyline presented in the Taiwanese series Unknown 關於未知的我們 and not the original novel, Big Brother, by Priest. The series significantly differs in its character development and plot, making it a more “green flag”-filled adaptation when compared to the novel.



Kismet Adventures with Onna Carr

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