Grace Extended and Kept: Being kind to Ourselves as Well as Others

Kismet Adventures with Onna Carr
7 min readJun 21, 2024

Ever since I can remember, it has been easy for me to be kind to others, programmed into me almost from birth. I was taught as a child to try to be empathetic and understanding, almost to a fault at times. While I recognize the value in extending grace and empathy to those around me, I’ve come to realize that being kind to myself is equally important — a lesson that has been harder to learn. To be honest, there are times I wish I had less grace for some people, gave people fewer chances or less benefit of the doubt, but we are, for better or worse, what we are.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

However, while I was taught to be kind to others, I was simultaneously raised to be hard on myself. As a female on the autism spectrum, I was led to believe that my very existence might be a burden to those I care about — a notion that, while nonsensical, has proven difficult to shake. Despite time and distance from those who instilled these doubts and planted seeds of worthlessness, the struggle remains.

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Despite these struggles, I recognize that my logical and analytical nature, courtesy of HFA, has been a valuable asset in my life. Furthermore, I believe that neither my gender nor…



Kismet Adventures with Onna Carr

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