Paradise Lost and Found: The Reasons Behind My Departure from Krabi, Thailand, After Nine Months

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

In Disney’s Tangled, Rapunzel grapples with the fear of the unknown: what happens after fulfilling a lifelong dream? Flynn wisely counsels her that the beauty of dreams lies in their transformative power — once realized, they often reveal new dreams waiting to be discovered along the way.

Photo by Leon Contreras on Unsplash

This past April, I found myself facing a similar crossroads as I made the difficult decision to leave Krabi, Thailand, after nearly a year of calling it home. My initial dream of making Thailand my second and permanent home, cultivated over five years, had come to fruition. But as I settled into this long-sought paradise, life had other plans in store for me.

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Unexpectedly, I found another home — and falling in love with that place and its people — gently and unexpectedly steered me towards a different path. In the spirit of Flynn’s wisdom, I chose to embrace this new dream and follow the love and sense of belonging I had discovered. Just…



Kismet Adventures with Onna Carr

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